Opening up the bag my Vaara sportswear came in, gave me a little rush. A lot of care has been taken to create a brand that reflects the quality of the sports and leisurewear they create, and the Vaara lifestyle they envisage for its wearers. I worked as a graphic designer for over ten years before I started my blog and its these details I really appreciate, not to mention when things are made very well. So when a brand like Vaara goes out of its way to create both, it gives me a little spark of joy.
Is it me or is there something psychosomatic about putting on good sportswear and actually wanting to exercise? I often struggle to keep up a consistent regime, it’s not so much that I don’t want to exercise, more that I’m not the best timekeeper. Every day is always so different and I’m always so busy. I feel like there’s so much I need to do and that exercise is an indulgence. It may just be 30 minutes of exercise but it’s the hour and half afterwards getting showered and washing my hair that causes the problem. My dad put it best the other day though when he said, if you’re going to feel guilty for something it should be for not taking care of yourself, not for not working. So with that in mind I try to get into my sportswear as quickly as possible in the morning. I don’t know about you but I find it hard to back down once I’m dressed and ready. And, wearing sportswear I feel good in, has such a positive affect on me.